Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Asserting personhood
Despite difficulties, I am committed to maintaining several areas of independent thought. I consider it crucial to assert my personhood through maintaining my preferences in the face of parental defiance. The current areas of dispute are: - washing teeth: I don't believe it is a good idea Well, until recently. Now they've bought me an electric toothbrush, just like Hannah's, so it's been fun and I decided to surrender on this. - messing with my hair Nobody touches my hair. No matter what. Or I'll scream, twist, kick and carry on until they stop. I think Mother got the message. The curl in the middle of my forehead dangles over my nose, and THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT. - getting dressed Not so successful at this front. In fact, Mother has escalated hostilities recently and I've landed in the Naughty Spot a few times. But the battle rages on. And they did give up dressing me up in 'fluffy stuff' (includes anything warm) and skirts or dresses. I'm working on jackets. - changing nappies Not happy about this one either. Usually quite successful in decreasing the frequency of changes (blasted things are uncomfortable when they get huge, but it's worth it), but haven't succeeded getting rid of the procedure. - Mummy singing. Just no! Bye-bye! Stop, woman! She does what she's told to, but sulks a bit. Serves her right. And that's the lot, I think. just keep the videos coming and chocolate, Catherine