Got Snot

Yeah, once again. This is sooo done. Am sneezing, coughing, spluttering and burping. No major big-pile-of-stuff-on-the-pillow burps yet, though. So, not too bad.
Last night I've been burping heavily, almost like Garfield. So every time I did I added a chirpy 'got milk?'. Just as Garfield said on the film. I think it cheered Mummy no end, with all the spluttering and the fever.
Other news: been to The Country yesterday and met a lovely dog called Max. We spent a whole lunchtime chasing each other and kissing each other. A bit of tongue is OK, but not in my mouth. Mummy seemed to mind.
While I was so cheerfully occupied, parents played nicely with other adults. Then we went home.
And today, I've spent the morning in my jammies, in front of the TV. Nursing my cold and recovering after yesterday's excitement.