It is not how it is done

Things are weird. Today Mummy did Daddy's job and Daddy looked after me. Not that I minded. I loooove grooving along with him. Ooodles of fun. But it is not how it is done, is it?
Feeling generally pooped after yesterday's party. Hannah is now two and the same age as me. Can't wait to turn three.
She had a teddy bear cake and a candle. Thank goodness parents provided me with my own chocolate cake with chocolate sprinkes on top. I even got them to put a big lit match in it and blew it out myself. Had a great time playing with my favourite red car. And with Claudia. We found a Big Stick and played horsies. It was so big that we could ride it both at the same time. Or row, row, row a boat with it. And nobody got hit, despite Mummy telling us to be careful.
Tonight, we took Mummy to a chiropractor. I insisted on supervising and saw the chiropractor do click-click on her back. And then we went to a park and I got to pat a baby dog.
Been playing baby dogs till I fell asleep.