no so bad

You know that little cousin of mine?
She's not so bad after all.
Now that we can talk and all that.
And pour each other's cups of tea in the bath.
And take care of my baby (Put baby in pram, cover with one blankie, two blankies, three blankies, untill pram is hidden under pile. Say 'sorry baby' if pram overturns).
Also, she's got that cute baby brother of hers.
And we can sing 'twinkle twinkle little star' and other songs together (parents impressed, claimed that we sang the same notes at the same time. Isn't that the idea?).
And she was impressed with my christmas tree (had to put the ornaments back again and again, though. No, Hannah!).
And it was nice to wake up and know there is someone to play with.
And she is afraid of my motorcycle, too.
And we can do all those falling down together games.
And we can have nice, long chats that parents don't understand.
I'm sure there were other reasons as well.