Party, party, party

Don't you just loooove the Christmas season? We went to Dziadzio's party yesterday. Parents say it is Christmas take 1. What? Never mind.
Refused to wear dress and a few other weird things, so with the attendand discussions we were a little bit late. That's how it is when parents behave unreasonably.
Once there, I got busy decorating the tree. The only thing hanging when I got there was a pack of dummies. Very nice: a pink one with flowers and a white one with hearts. Took the dummies, put the empty pack back. Took me a while to do the whole tree, and only managed to eat one ravioli. Fortunately, after the tree we started opening presents and I got a nice big lollipop. With that and a nice cocktail later on, I was set (no alcohol in the cocktail, but it was gorgeously sweet anyway).
I got: a lollipop, a box of gorgeous candy canes with jelly fishies (opened it against Mummy's protests, but still didn't get to eat it. No fair), a book about christmas, a remote controlled car (Daddy started playing with it straight away, so I didn't really have a chance, oh, well. It still doesn't work anyway), a Dorothy the Dinosaur backpack (just my size), a colouring book, a Wiggles DVD and a set of CDs with stories on them. A very nice haul, all together. Oh, and a caterpilar. I think I'll use it a sleeping companion. Maybe it'll change into a butterfly.
Daddy got a router, which turned out to have a lovely box with a hole on top. I got into it and pretended to be a baby router. Then the box became a car. Also played on Dziadzio's horsie, sang in front of his mirror and generally amused the guests. Had a great time.
Gave dziadzio a nice, long, sleepy hug and sat snuggled with him in the armchair when the guests left, and then we drove home.
Feeling rather crummy today. Could it be something I ate?