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Friday, December 16, 2005
Wiggly, wiggly Christmas
I went to the Wiggles concert the other day. Jeff was there! Real Jeff! I think Greg was sick, but who cares (well, I think Mummy might, she seems to like him, but I think Jeff is the best). I listened and watched and sang a bit. Mum tried to get me to dance, but I had more important things to do. Oh, it was so great. Gwynnie was there too. It left me with a warm fuzzy feeling for the rest of the day. Even when mummy sent me off to look for my dummy (it IS her job), I didn't find it in myself to get cross. life is good, Catherine
Hi, Kasia.
Daddy here. I'm jealous. Mum got to take you and have all the fun watching you enjoy yourself. Next time I'll do a bunk from work and come along too. You had this deep satisfied calm about you all day afterwards - not the excited kind, the calm inner glow kind. Yes, The Wiggles ARE real!
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