Friday, February 17, 2006
Well done, Mummy
Had a perfect day yesterday. In the morning we went on a bike trip. I packed all my dummies and bread for the duckies, and a shopping list in my front basket. We put our hats on, and sunscreen, and socks and shoes and went out the door. And the bike broke down! Mummy tried to fix it, and we thought it was OK. We went another 2 meters, and it croaked again. Then Mummy insisted we come back home! That wasn't pleasant. But soon we had all the fun screws and nuts and washers to play with, and we fixed the bike. We repacked the front basket and went. No duckies to feed, but we had fun riding the bike all the way to the shop. I pedal and Mummy pushes and uses the handle at the back to move the steering wheel. Great arrangement. We got to the shop and bought a lot of food. Then we put as much as possible in my back basket and tied the bags to the bike wherever possible. The rest of the food went into Mummy's backpack. And then we went on the treck back home. We met Daddy halfway back: he came back from the City and was very hungry. We gave him some bread and the cherry tomatoes I insisted we buy. Was really tired afterwards and had a nice snooze. And after the snooze I made cupcakes. Mummy had it all nicely prepared: a cup of flour, another one of sugar, another of coconut, and a fourth cup of milk (soya in this case). I put the cups of dry stuff into a bowl, stirred, added milk and stirred again. Then spooned the mix into muffin cases. That was a bit boring: we filled 6 of them, and Mummy insisted we fill them up almost half-way. Anyway, Mummy put them into the oven and I watched Playschool. After the Playschool I supervised while Mummy took them out and went to watch Madelaine while they were cooling down. Don't like Madelaine. Thank goodness they cooked quickly. I spread some pink icing on top (been practicing with butter, so it went well), and put sprinkles on top. Yum. And then I had to wait till after dinner to eat one! At least the dinner was my favourites: frankfurts, yum. Ate almost two - more than Mummy! And then the pink iced perfection with sprinkes on top. Mmmm. Mummy even let me eat her icing. Just a perfect day, wasn't it? Mummy says that she couldn't go to sleep afterwards and went into the garden at one in the morning. The night was warm, there was no wind and the moon was shining. She got a few almonds from the tree and lay on the hammock, watching the moon through the kiwi-fruit leaves. Then Kitty came to show off and walked all over the very top of the pergola. Mummy says that the Kittty was black in the moonlight, but that she had a silver line all around her where the moonlight fell on her hair. Sounds very nice. Does it mean that I can also go outside when I can't sleep? Catherine