Mummy's paranoia

Mummy is afraid of snakes, and it spoils the farm for her a bit. I think seeing that snake-catching stick when we got out of the car made her a bit funny. Even if Auntie and Uncle claimed not to have seen a snake in the three months that they lived there.
Fortunately, she was fine with me running around, even if trying to do circles around me. I even got to frolic in the long grass in the field. Nobody minded, neither Daddy nor Auntie nor Uncle, so I guess she thought it was OK. But since then she asked Auntie Trudy (who lived with little kiddies on a farm). And apparently it was always gumboots in high grass and also a couple of dogs running along with them. I've got a funny feeling that mummy will not let me roll around as much this time. Pity.
She also got Daddy to get the door fixed so that there is no gap on the bottom. And she is always worried about the grass in the garden being too tall. Is it too much paranoia, or not?
At my Children's Centre they do a snake check of the playground before letting us out. I've seen one of the ladies prodding the bushes with a garden rake. Apparently they had a snake there once a couple of years ago.
But I've never even seen one. And neither has mummy. At least not in the last few years. She says if I see one, don't touch and call mummy. I gave her a fright once when I pretended there was a snake. Heh, heh.
I think Mummy has gotten much worse since our visit on a farm this spring. It was the first warm days and Uncle Doug was coming home each day with stories of a cat or a dog being bitten by snakes. He said they were hungry and in a bad mood. You should have seen Mummy trying to follow after me and Hannah at the same time when we were running in opposite directions!