Tuesday, August 01, 2006
from the management
Hi Sweetie, Mummy here. I have been updating your blog less and less often. It just stopped feeling right. You have your own voice and your own opinions, and don't need anyone to say things for you. You are now 3 years and 4 months. You can hold your end of a conversation, even on a phone. On our last car trip we talked for about half an hour about the things we like. And don't like. You can spread your own butter and vegemite. Bake a mean cake. And know exactly what you want to eat. You have recently designed your first patchwork: you asked for and chose the fabrics and asked me to help you make a top out of them. We took one of your tops, you put the fabrics down and I stitched around them. They worked out very well. So now you have a purple top, just like Jeff from Wiggles, and a tickled-pink mummy. You are getting a kiddie sowing machine for your fourth birthday, munchkin. You will probably ignore it with a superior snif, but I couldn't resist it when I saw it for $18 today. It sits on top of the wardrobe now, waiting. You go to the toilet like a pro and all your accidents are small ones (thank goodness). Well, let's not go into that. You are now letting me disappear for a evening, although I can see that it bothers you. But thank you for the outings, sweetheart. I am learning to draw and you have asked me to draw you during one of my classes. They are not quite this kind of classes, but I did a few drawings of you in my sketchbook, so that you can see yourself. You have suddenly became much taller and your shoulders now stick above the kitchen counter. Sorry for telling you that you can't hit your head now. You bent over and gave yourself a big whack on the way up. Ahem. I didn't put your inventiveness into the equation. You have adopted Dziadzio's Garfield in place of your own kittie, who was irretrievably lost in the Science Centre. He was supposed to come for a visit only, but he clearly filled a big gaping hole, and you found it too hard to give him back. Fortunately, we did a little Christmas in July celebration and you seized the opportunity to assign him to yourself as a prezzie. We were very impressed with your style. Anyway, sweetie, it just doesn't seem right to write in your name any more. So this is the end of this blog as we know it. I wonder how long it'll take you to start one on your own behalf. In the meantime, you have three jobs: 1. be healthy 2. listen to Mummy-Daddy 3. and have fun. Mummy
Monday, July 17, 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006
It turns out that it wasn't the full roll of toilet paper that I used to wipe my pom-pom that blocked the toilet. It was the pink knickers that somehow got into the toilet bowl. So, there! Not my fault after all.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Feel sick. Burped three times yesterday. Mummy wouldn't let me clean up the mess. No fun. Catherine
Friday, June 23, 2006
Long time no post
Haven't been posting lately 'cause the household was exhausted. I was in bad mood over the potty business. Then Mummy crumbled because of my bad mood. Then Daddy got blah because of Mummy's crumbling. Totall mess. But the potty training business is behind us now. Poo-poos and wee-wees land where they belong. I still wear pull-ups for the night. Not sure why, really, as they always end up dry (apart from this mornign: didn't feel like going to the toilet till after I watched an hour of TV and didn't quite make it in the end). Mummy says that we'll get rid of them after our trip to Hamilton Island. OK. Other news: - don't like Children's Centre any more - we were doing teddy-bear bikkies with icing today. I got chocolate bikkies instead, as teddy-bears have milk. I was pleased. Pity about the choccie buttons I couldn't put on top, though - Gwynnie was supposed to come yesterday and didn't - Mummy's office is a mess - we had Japanese food at home yesterday. Like: seeweed, stewed tofu (but not the wobbly one), and hand-rolls. Helped mummy make gyoza. Catherine
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006
From yesterday: - no further accidents. Decided that Mummy has enough to deal with. She left my pooey Nemo knickers at the Children's centre and they had to be picked up after my afternoon sleep. If she thought that she'll get away with just leaving them behind she doesn't know me all that well. They are soaking in Napisan as I write. From today: - pee accidents: 1 (blast it!) - poo accidents: 0 rewards: after a week of waiting and salivating I finally got to eat the pink marcepan piggy that was to be my reward for putting poo in potty. Mmmm! I didn't get to eat the yummy-looking purple marcepan knickers that are to be my reward for keeping my real knickers clean and dry all day. Maybe tomorrow. wish me luck, Catherine
Been with Mummy today to try a new gymnastic activity. Liked it a lot. Ooodles of jumping around on padded floor. And a trapeze one can swing at. There were a lot of organised activities that rather interfered with my fun, but not too much. We even did stuff to learn cartwheels. Mummy was rather impressed, and burbled about it all the way home. I just wanted to go to sleep. yawn, C.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
My third knickers day, afternoon nap. Score: Yesterday: Pee accidents: 0 (!!!!) Poo accidents: 2 casualties: jammies (in the wash), knickers (I think Mummy threw them away. I don't think Mummies are supposed to do that. Naughty Mummy) Today: Pee accidents: 0 (yeah!) Poo accidents: 1 casualties: this time it was my special Nemo knickers. I wonder what will happen. She looks shell-shocked at the thought of cleaning them. But I will stage a major roof-raising tantrum if she dares to bin them. I have to admit that the poo was both runny and sticky, but she's Mummy for goodness sake. Things like poo shouldn't scare her. Catherine
Monday, June 05, 2006
Wilson's Prom

My first full knickers day. Score for peeing: Knickers: 3 Bed: 0 Floor: 1 (+ 1 in a chicken shop, and 1 on a patio, but that doesn't count, right?) Potty: 3 Would have done better if I didn't decide to resist Mummy's tiresome reminders to sit on the blasted potty. Decided not to poo, just in case. Catherine
Friday, June 02, 2006
Mummy in a snarky mood this morning. Threatened that if I dont' stop dawdling (that's a useful word) we won't go to the Children's Centre and WON'T go to Wilson's Prom. She was joking, right? Anyway, I finally got my gear together about an hour later and off I went. Planning to drive to Wilson's Prom this afternoon and have a lovely weekend away with Cousin Hannah, Cousin Daniel-John and auntie and uncle. The only problem is that Mummy tells me that I'll have to play nice. Catherine
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Morning routine
6:50 - Wake up, wake up Mummy 6:55 - Set Mummy up as a doctor, get Garfield in for a consultation 7:05 - Get Garfield his medicines 7:15 - Mummy sneaks off for a shower. Take care of Garfield. Feed him, change his nappy, get him to sleep. 7:25 - Eat breakfast: wheetcake, soy milk, Special K and Frootloops for me, catfood for Garfield 7:35 - Garfield very naughty during breakfast - saying NOT.

Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
One of those GOOD days today. First, I woke up and actually felt like going to the Children's Centre. Hard to believe, but here you go. Second, Daddy stayed home. He woke up, scratched his head and went back to sleep. Weird. Third, Daddy came with Mummy to pick me up and

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
poo wars
Terribly long time with no updates. But I've been very busy. That toilet training business is gaining momentum, and parents need to be managed. In the first two days I discovered that: 1. I can get mummy up as early as I want if I tell her I want to go potty. 2. I can stay up late if I tell her I want to go potty 3. I can get out of doing things if I tell her I want to go potty. all very useful, and drove mummy pleasantly batty, but still no chocolate. Since then I've been getting a bit better at it. But it is still a day or two between snacks. May have cracked the code today: got a choccie first thing in the morning, and later actually managed a poo on a big-people toilet. I was so impressed with self, that I forgot to demand sweets. I'm wondering what to do about the whole thing. It is somewhat gratifying to be praised for something that I've done in a nappy for years wit

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Here we are, at the Children's Centre. Mummy just came in and I'm celebrating by running a nice circle (normally forbidden to run inside) and grabbing my dummies (not supposed to have them there). Am fishing dummies out of the bag, checking them and deciding on which of the three to suck, while Mummy is bugging me for a hug. Mummy: 'So do I rate below or above the dummies?' Me (in my crispest tone): 'Below the dummies.' If she didn't want to know, she didn't have to ask. ---- In other news: - learning a new phrase: 'dummy addidict' - found out that toilet training involves choccie treats. Was told that any pee or poo in the potty or toilet scores me one chocolate lolly. Insisted on sitting on the toilet for an hour until I produced some pee and got my lolly. Also got read 6 books and got to play with a recorder. Didn't try for more lollies after that, and did the poo the normal way. - Babcia comes tomorrow. Wonder what kind of lollipop she'll bring. Catherine
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
love lost and found
My blue sparkly dummy is back. I found it on the car seat. The world is a sparklier place. Catherine
Monday, May 01, 2006
of love, loss and hearbreak

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006
The weekend
Been Good this weekend. Let mummy sleep in on Saturday AND Sunday afternoon. Also, baptised Garfield. Poured water on his head, got him to cry, sang a song, and wiped his head with a towel. Parents disappointing at times. Cried for over an hour about switching my TV off after a measly 2 hours on a Saturday morning. No effect. Bum-bum (heh!) Catherine
Monday, April 17, 2006
My tummy HURTS. It hurted all day, but I only told mummy-daddy in the evening, just to make sure that they don't take me to a doctor. They say it'll hurt again tomorrow, because of my second chocolate haul in Dziadzio's garden today. It was possibly even better than the stash in my garden. Aparently too much choccie makes sore tummies. Who'd know. Catherine PS: I hope you had a good Easter too, everybody.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
last laugh

Friday, April 07, 2006
On being picked up from childcare (after screaming and running to bag to get a dummy, then giving Mummy a kiss): C: I love my Mummy. I love my dummies as well. Mummy: Who do you love more? C: ... I love my Mummy AND I love my dummies.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Friday, March 31, 2006
The importance of being little

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Birthday - a quick update
A quick post because I'm feeling veeeery tired. The B-day was successful. Did the candle blowing thing 3 times, had 4 lots of visitors, ate chocolate cake all day (plus a half-egg that Mum forced me to eat), and got a lot of loot (yeee-har). Had to wear a dress, but it was worth it. Thoroughly exhausted, Catherine
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Turning 3 tomorrow

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The farm report

Mummy's scary
Did I mention the delightful game I play with Mummy when she picks me up at childcare? It started when I saw a scary mummy on TV with all these bandages on and running after people (I love Basil Brush, why can't I watch it more?). So I pretended Mummy was a mummy and ran away screaming. That got Mummy nicely embarassed in front of the childcare staff (why? who cares?), so I've continued ever since. When I see her, I scream and run away. Yeah! Then get my dummies and ask her to carry me to the car. She said to Daddy that we'll probably hear from Child Protection soon. Who are they? Any of you toddlers have good games to share? Catherine
Monday, March 20, 2006
A quick update
I've had a good day. Been to Gwynnie's this morning. She's got serious TOYS. Forgot to play with Gwynnie, because her toys were so great. Then I had a sleep, and then we went to see Mum's Supervisor. At first I suspected that he may be a kind of doctor, but he isn't. He and Mummy talk about things, and are very boring. Spent one whole hour playing Quietly in the room. Have to admit that Mummy prepared a nice bag of tricks that took a bit of time to explore. And then we went to Lygon Street where I indulged in high dining. For those from far away, Lygon Street is Melbourne's elegant spot for Italian dining. So I had an ice-cream. And some pizza olives from Mummy. Talking about olives, we've brought a bag of them from the farm (more of my exploits there tomorrow, I'm pooped). Green ones. Mummy is supposed to pickle them. From what she's read about it, she has to change water every day for a long time. Sounds a bit too diligent for her. And I like olives. Isn't there an easier way? Gotta go, suck a dummy, Catherine
Friday, March 17, 2006
Child Labour

Thursday, March 16, 2006
working it out
My life has got so

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Met a cute dog today and we ran together and we kissed a lot. Then he ate some poo and I didn't feel like kissing any more. Catherine
Mummy's paranoia

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Life is better now

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Still grumpy

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday, February 17, 2006
Well done, Mummy
Had a perfect day yesterday. In the morning we went on a bike trip. I packed all my dummies and bread for the duckies, and a shopping list in my front basket. We put our hats on, and sunscreen, and socks and shoes and went out the door. And the bike broke down! Mummy tried to fix it, and we thought it was OK. We went another 2 meters, and it croaked again. Then Mummy insisted we come back home! That wasn't pleasant. But soon we had all the fun screws and nuts and washers to play with, and we fixed the bike. We repacked the front basket and went. No duckies to feed, but we had fun riding the bike all the way to the shop. I pedal and Mummy pushes and uses the handle at the back to move the steering wheel. Great arrangement. We got to the shop and bought a lot of food. Then we put as much as possible in my back basket and tied the bags to the bike wherever possible. The rest of the food went into Mummy's backpack. And then we went on the treck back home. We met Daddy halfway back: he came back from the City and was very hungry. We gave him some bread and the cherry tomatoes I insisted we buy. Was really tired afterwards and had a nice snooze. And after the snooze I made cupcakes. Mummy had it all nicely prepared: a cup of flour, another one of sugar, another of coconut, and a fourth cup of milk (soya in this case). I put the cups of dry stuff into a bowl, stirred, added milk and stirred again. Then spooned the mix into muffin cases. That was a bit boring: we filled 6 of them, and Mummy insisted we fill them up almost half-way. Anyway, Mummy put them into the oven and I watched Playschool. After the Playschool I supervised while Mummy took them out and went to watch Madelaine while they were cooling down. Don't like Madelaine. Thank goodness they cooked quickly. I spread some pink icing on top (been practicing with butter, so it went well), and put sprinkles on top. Yum. And then I had to wait till after dinner to eat one! At least the dinner was my favourites: frankfurts, yum. Ate almost two - more than Mummy! And then the pink iced perfection with sprinkes on top. Mmmm. Mummy even let me eat her icing. Just a perfect day, wasn't it? Mummy says that she couldn't go to sleep afterwards and went into the garden at one in the morning. The night was warm, there was no wind and the moon was shining. She got a few almonds from the tree and lay on the hammock, watching the moon through the kiwi-fruit leaves. Then Kitty came to show off and walked all over the very top of the pergola. Mummy says that the Kittty was black in the moonlight, but that she had a silver line all around her where the moonlight fell on her hair. Sounds very nice. Does it mean that I can also go outside when I can't sleep? Catherine
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Better now
Cried at the Children's Centre on Friday. Not sure why. I even made a mental note to ask Mummy when she comes (came out a bit funny in the car: 'Ask Mummy why I cried', I said). It turned out that I was sick. Got a fever and everything for the whole Friday and Saturday. Felt OK afterwards, until Tuesday, when the secondary infection thingy got me. Don't like being sick, but it's OK this time: no doctors and lots of chocolate. Suits me. Other news: trying to work out the bike. We went to the shop with the bike today, Mummy pushing and steering and me turning those pedal things. Got back with bags hanging from every handle and bottles of stuff in my rear basket. But it was fun. Feel accomplished. Catherine
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Mummy is a toddler
Mummy was a bit of a toddler today. I've been two whole days at the Children's Centre, doing brave things like visiting the Kindie room (something called "transition"). Now that I have a day to rest up and snuggle at home, Mummy makes a fuss when I ask for a bot-bot. OK, so I asked for a fourth bot-bot by mid-afternoon, but who's counting (I guess Mummy clearly is - Herumph!). What's the big deal anyway? Daddy was not an acceptable substitute. If Daddy tried to look after me, that made me realize that Mummy WASN'T. Where's Mummy?! One time, I was leaning on the outside of the toilet door while Mummy went to the toilet without me (how could she? She'd escaped without me noticing!). Daddy was pleading with me to come away. Next thing I knew, I fell onto the floor. Mummy had opened the door on which I was leaning! Towards the end of the day I felt a bit happier. These days, at bedtime, I let Daddy read to me for about 10 seconds before wipping the book away and reading it myself. I occasionally ask Daddy to read a word that I point to just so I can get this reading thing right. But mostly I just ad lib by looking at the pictures. More Children's Centre tomorrow - sigh!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A mother's job is never done.

Monday, January 30, 2006
Been so good it hurts
Been good today. Very. First: shared my toys with Gwynnie when she came for a visit. All the toys. All the time. Second: was quiet and didn't wake Gwynnie's baby sister. Had to point this out to Mummy at the end of their visit, because she seemed not to notice. By this stage I was upset, hiding in bed and requesting a bottle. Mummy made appropriate loud restitution and praise, and made me happy for quite some time after that. Later, Mummy and Daddy went to the cinema and I stayed with Kirsty. Was impossibly good: 1. let parents go out without fuss 2. Kirsty couldn't work out how to work the DVD, despite promissing me my own cinema session. Was V. disappointed, but let it be. 3. Went to bed BEFORE parents got back. 4. WITHOUT my dummy, because Kirsty didn't know where it was. Now, that is unnaturally and abnormally good for a toddler. Expect migraine or at least an attack of vapours tomorrow. And lots of loud appreciation from parents. And some appologies for inadequate preparation before leaving, too. Exhausted, Catherine
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
hostile takeover

Monday, January 23, 2006
General update
Lots of things happening lately. 1. Childcare OK now, but missing Mummy. 2. Been to Granny and Granddad for Christmas party. Got prezzies. Had great fun running after a ball and screeming with Claudia and Hannah. Got my makeup and nails done by Claudia. So has Hannah. Mummy says that the nailpolish stains on my white dress can be covered by rose-flower applique. 3. Hot yesterday. Played with the hose. Run through the sprinklers, waded in a pool. Jumped in water. Slid on a wet slide. Chased Mummy with hose. Blew bubbles. Want some more 40C+ days, please. 4. Babcia came recently. Brought chocolate lollipop. Yummy. Also a new ABC video. 5. Decided not to grow up and that change table is better than the toilet. That's all, I think. Catherine
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
life still sucking
Children's Centre is no good these days. Not quite sure why: the people are OK, the toys are OK and I seem to be OK while there. But it's just wrong, and that's all there is to it. Yesterday, mummy took me out just after lunch, so that was OK, even though I insisted that I DID NOT have a nice day. So today she promisses to come at afternoon tea-time, after that sleep that I didn't have. No, it's not OK. Childcare sucks, life sucks, mummy sucks. To add insult to injury, we've been to another doctor. This one looked at my belly-button and they talked about me again. Am an unhappy toddler. A lollipop helped a bit tonight, but you can't fix things with one lollipop, people! Snarkily, Catherine
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Life's gotten tough
I guess this is the end of the halcyon summer break. The change started last Tuesday: they took me to a paediatrician. I thought at first that he was nice and was making sure that he heard all that Mummy had to say (repeated it just in case) and the only comment I got for it was 'does she ever stop talking?'. Then he poked and prodded me all over and looked into my eyes with a light. I was unnaturally good, and it took its toll. But instead of taking me home, they settled in for a long talk. In the end my nerves let go and I dissolved into tears. I was worried that he'll try to 'fix me', but mummy said that the iron that I'm drinking should be it. Lots of fuss for something I've already been doing anyway! This whole thing was scary and I woke throughout the night with nightmares. About shadows and everything. And yesterday it was back to Children's Centre. Fun, but exhausting. Today I'm completely pooped. Was attempting to go to sleep before lunch. Ugh. Catherine
Monday, January 09, 2006
Culinary adventures

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Friday, January 06, 2006
Decided today that I prefer a change table. Too much fuss with the toilet. Catherine PS: a lovely morning pottering around at home. Painting a lot. Dancing a little. Getting out into the garden for a bit and coming back in. Giving mummy a foot massage with lots of cream. Eating lots. Moving little. Perfect day.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Safely covered with a nappy today. Felt a poo coming on. Went to fetch Mummy, got her to sit me on the toilet and caught the thingie into the toilet. Flushed it away. Yeeeaaah! Mummy scratched her head and said I'd probably toilet-train all by myself saving her some gray hair. Don't care about her hair, but doing it all by myself sounds good. Catherine
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
One delightful evening
Had the loveliest afternoon yesterday. We were all sowing. Mummy was finishing Daddy's quilt (his Christmas present from last year, soon to be finished). Daddy was embroidering Prickle and Spiky on my duckie blankie. Prickle is the younger cousin of Spiky. I think you remember that Spiky is my pet burr - now I've got two. They still get lost all the time. But I can recognise them by their size. Prickle is smaller. Anyway, Daddy was embroidering them on my duckie blankie for me. And I was using pins and making a blankie for a ghost (lovely, isn't it?).

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Thursday, December 22, 2005
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Monday, December 19, 2005
Party, party, party

Saturday, December 17, 2005
This and that

Friday, December 16, 2005
Wiggly, wiggly Christmas

no so bad

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Saturday, December 10, 2005
unplanned but not unloved

Thursday, December 08, 2005
Lots of stuff happening at home lately. First, Mummy had a turn on Monday. Then Babcia came on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I felt like being left alone to watch TV all day, thank you. Fortunately, today is Thursday and I'm back at the Children's Centre with the order of the world restored. More about Mummy's turn. It started over breakfast. I was composing my cereal: a few fruit-loops, a few cherries, a few cornflakes. Took a while, because I had to get parents to provide each item. The cornflakes especially toook a bit of effort - it was hard to make parents understand what I wanted. Once it was all composed to my liking I went off to play. They weren't particularly impressed with this and threatened to throw my cereal down the toilet. Well, fine. But then Mummy Actually Did It! Shocking. I insisted on a replacement, but ended up with only fruit-loops and had to eat them all up in one go, sitting at the table. And Mummy got really strict with me for the rest of the day. I had to say 'please' and 'thank you' with every little thing and be on my best behaviour. Very tiring, but had to do it without complain: goodness knows what else she'd throw down the toilet! I still haven't quite gotten over it and am unnaturally polite at most times. horrible, Catherine
Sunday, December 04, 2005
'm exhausted
This Christmas thing is very tiring. After yesterday's singing and fireworks, we went to Uncle Peter's today for some more singing. And sushi. Which was nice. And so were Stephanie and Melissa and Danielle. I got a nice big dose of admiration. But this was tiring. No afternoon nap. And the adults took their time over food and then started singing when I was about ready to go home. It took a while to finally get them to start back. I was so bushed, I just washed my hands, got into bed and left them to their own devices. Apparently they went to sleep as well. Woke up somewhat refreshed at 6pm, so we went into the garden. Then I found this little metal circle. Just a tiny thing, maybe half a centimetre. I was playing with it when Mummy got me to wash my hands after the garden. So I tried to wash it, and it fell into the drain. And neither Mummy nor Daddy would get it out. I cried and cried and cried and cried. I tried ot suggest that they do it later, if they don't want to do it now, but all I got is that they can't . I suggested in a minute, later, soon and even tomorrow and still nothing. I went to bed very, very upset about the little circle. snif, Catherine
Santa and Fireworks
Well, Saturday wasn't a total loss, after all. Mummy cajoled both me and Daddy into getting dressed for Christmas carols. After an hour I got into the mood for it and allowed myself to be dressed. We took the stroller and walked to the lake where there were lots and lots of people. Santa came in a big fire truck and we all sang songs. Daddy bought some glow sticks that Mummy and I made into necklaces and bangles, but the candles didn't work. It didn't matter though because there were lots of Christmas lights anyway. I really loved the carols and I danced and sang when I heard my favourites like Jingle Bells. Then the fireworks started. I was a little unsure of what these things were, but Mummy and Daddy were so happy about them I thought they must be safe enough. They sure were pretty! Then we went back home, walking in the dark - what fun!
Saturday, December 03, 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
That little curl in the middle of my forehead again

Monday, November 28, 2005
Got Snot

Monday, November 21, 2005
It is not how it is done

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Socialising with the greats of the blogosphere

Monday, November 14, 2005
Am not lifestock
Well, now I'm really past the incubation period, and still no hand, foot and mouth disease. Sigh. Childcare it is. Mummy is on this medical kick. After the immunisation last week, we wented to eye doctor today to check for lazy eye (me? never!). Was concerned the doctor will poke my eye, and no amount of reassurance quite convinced me. Well, he didn't poke. Got me to look at a little torch instead. Bad news: no glasses. I was sort-of hoping for a pair like mummy's. Other news: had to jump up and down and carry on to get Dziadzio to come over yesterday. Whole weekend and no visit. What's with that? Also been checking on God. Mummy says he lives in heaven. Above the moon and the stars. That's a new fact for my astronomy knowledge. Catherine
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I was cooking in the sandpit today. Mummy came over and asked what I was doing. "Cooking," I said (wasn't it obvious?). Then I said, "Like Mummy." Mummy seemed really pleased at this until I said, "Oh no! Its burned!"
Friday, November 11, 2005
Am lifestock?
Didn't feel like going to childcare yesterday. Staged a protest, but got bundled into the car and off we went. I refused to eat my for-the-road chocolate cookie till just before we arrived as a sign of protest. In childcare, they looked at my hands and feet, found my mozzie-bites and sent me home with a suspicion of hand, foot and mouth disease. Which made mummy check my hands and feet for the rest of the day (I resisted after the first hundred times). The mozzie bites remained the same. So I went to the childcare today to be again exposed to the raging hand, foot and mouth virus there. Hopefully no kindie next week. Catherine
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
They dragged me to a doctor and put a great big needle in my arm. I staged a big, powerful twisting, but all I got for it is three needle holes. Dreadful. Mummy promisses no more 'munisations till I'm four and about to go to school. She says that it is a looong time. Not sure I trust her. Note to self: beware of the doctor. Been to Altona today, bought dried pear and vegies, and got my nice grilled fish for lunch (no petting zoo today - it rained). As usual on Tuesdays, I had a bit of a runny poo in the evening and a sore bottom. And then, while changing a nappy Mummy suggested putting a fish up my bottom! Aaaaargh! I screamed so hard that it took a while, and a yell from Dad for me to calm down enough to make myself understood. Turns out that she didn't mean that. She says that it is probably the margarine on the fishie that makes my tummy run, and to maybe give it a break. That's all. Can't express how relieved I was. Catherine
Monday, November 07, 2005
Shopping Spree
I went shopping with Mummy-Daddy today. I insisted on carrying the basket, and set about buying the essentials: - one mushroom - one apple - one zucchini (Mummy had already put two of those in but I figured that wasn't enough) I discovered the down-side of carrying the shopping basket though; it gets heavier the more you shop. Soon I was dragging it. Awhile later I was shoving it. And before long I was grunting and groaning loudly as I heaved the thing from one end of the shop to the other, trying to keep up with Mummy-Daddy. Heartless! (Actually, I must confess that Daddy had offered several times to help me. I flatly refused of course.) At last the shopping was over. But I couldn't understand why we had to leave the shopping basket behind. It would have been too small for me to make a pretend bed out of, like I do with the laundry basket, but still .... Anyhow I feel really accomplished. I did the shopping while managing both parents all by myself!
Friday, November 04, 2005
toilet training
I decided to toilet train myself. Mummy not too enthusiastic, so I have to take charge. Requesting to be put on the toilet as often as I remember. Haven't manage to catch any wee-wees or poos yet, but I'm working on it. Today, I got off, refused to wear a nappy and went to kitchen for breakfast. And the wee-wee spilled all over the floor! I insisted on helping mummy clean it up. She only let me do a bit at the very end, though. Hogging all the fun. Catherine
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Home, sweet home; but Mummy less than sweet
Back home. We left the country and didn't lose any of my precious few possessions. I checked with parents and made sure that my jammies, and baby doll and everything is safe in the car. I held the box with the dummies myself on the drive. I almost lost the gumnut that was lying on the seat of the car, but noticed just in time and started crying and yelling and they let me out and I found it on the ground just outside. Uff! Home is great, and so is the garden. And Dziadzio came. And there were my bath toys. And kitchen set. And EVERYTHING. I was very, very happy. Until bedtime. Mummy was reminding me that I'll have to go to sleep 'by myself like a big girl' when we come back. But I didn't quite register that would mean not going to sleep cuddled up on mummy's tummy. Life is not fair. I cried, and complained and carried on, and cried 'Mummy, help!', but in the end had to go to sleep without mummy's tummy. Doesn't she love me any more? Can't a toddler have her way? snif, Catherine
Friday, October 28, 2005
holidays are ending
Daddy is coming tonight and we're going home tomorrow. Missed my daddy: even went to bed without protest this afternoon when Mummy said that he won't come until after my sleep. This is sacrifice, people. Baby is not sleeping and crying quite a bit. It even got my mummy at times to hold him. No fair. Yesterday, she was holding it, so I staged a leg-hug-and-cry until she gave it back to Auntie Jessica. Hannah is learning fast, so she staged a leg-hug-and-cry of her own in response. Am getting on quite well with my cousin now. But she's developed a very annoying habit: she grabs my dummies and runs off with them claiming they are hers! Distressing, but so far manageable. This kid clearly does not know her place though. Well, not worth correcting her now, let's wait till she comes to MY place. Catherine
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
gross motor my shin
Mummy has been on the 'gross motor activities' kick for the last few days. It was mostly nice: we've visited some playgrounds and mummy climbed with me and did all sort of things. Also, we did a lot of running up and down hills. After she's checked the bruises on my shins last night, she gave it a rest. She says that uncle Doug and auntie Jessica are her witness that no child abuse took place. Auntie Jessica says that if I earn some bruises on my back, Mummy will really be in trouble. Why mummy? They are my bruises after all. Catherine
news from the country

Monday, October 24, 2005
playgroup, babychino, and assorted thoughs
Been to this great playgroup again today. Did: - play with a steering wheel in a boat - climb ladders - ride a horsey (pretend - just like Spot's) - play with a biiiig ball - climb up ladders - go down the slide (only twice 'cause this one spilled me on the ground last time) - build big towers from huge blocks - ride a bike and push it for another girl - roll on a big roll - try to climb on a hanging ladder (tricky!) - jump, jump, jump and a few other minor things. Altogether, very nice. Also, it turns out that the country is not too bad: we figured out where I can get a decent cup of babychino. Deciding that Hannah makes a reasonable little cousin. Tend to play with her more, now that she figured out who the Big Cousin is. We even share at times, but it is hard work. Now exhausted by the hot, humid weather and cathing 40 winks. Maybe Storm will come. He came visiting once before, and I've been looking for him since, with no luck. He did make a very loud Boom. Catherine
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Country, country

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Am living now in a Holiday Home. We travelled to Auntie and Uncle's and Hannah's home all day (I watched Garfield on the way - cool), and then we arrived and I played with Claudia and Hannah and had a dinner and stuff, and then wanted to go home. And parents said NO. What the heck? I cried and cried and cried but had to go to bed there. Not only that, the next morning, my toy hairdryer (and all the other toys) was not there! Felt very, very bad. But later on we moved to a small room down the back that is Ours. It is Holiday Home, but I hope to go to the real home soon. In the meantime, it is really pretty here. Or at least that's what mummy says. Over and over. And there are cows and sheeps. And new toys. Only Hannah doesn't quite want to believe that they are all mine. I could get used to this, I guess. Catherine
Friday, October 14, 2005
The country
It looks like we are going to My auntie and My uncle's tomorrow. Cousin Hannah will be here. And a new baby cousin. Need to work on Hannah's understanding who is the big girl here. Am a bit concerned: she is a strong-willed toddler, that one. Been at childcare today and got so tired that had a quick snooze in the afternoon. After 5 days of no naps! Only 45 minutes though. At least that gave me enough wind to stay up till after 9pm. Am a big girl now. Catherine
Dear God, Thank you lovely day. Thank you dziadzio, thank you daddy And daddy and mummy, And sweet potato Aaaa-men
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
nighttime musings
Parents seem exhausted lately. I, on the other hand, got a new lease on energy. Until I ate something at the Children's Centre yesterday and got myself a sore tummy. Parents were telling me to say no to milk and yogurt unless they are soy. I didn't quite get it, but told them 'yes' to cheer them up because they seemed worried. No petting zoo at Altona today, and no ponies. A bit unfair. Got Daddy to push me in the swings, but it was freezing cold. Oh, well. Am considering giving up the afternoon sleep. Didn't really feel like sleeping for the last four days, but had to stay in bed anyway! Today mummy put me to bed at 3pm, so after I got thoroughly bored I snoozed off. At least I was fresh enough to party till 10pm. It didn't seem to make parents any more happy, though. Didn't throw up on anything today (a first in over a week!), but spilled water on the bed and it had to be changed. And then my nappy was a bit too runny and spilled over and it had to be changed again. It's a good thing I've got two Nemo doona covers. Catherine
Friday, October 07, 2005
Oh, heh, heh. Just remembered. Mummy was getting in my face too much today, so I pushed her away a little. Then she started making noises, about it so I said: 'Dish it out!' She was taken aback, so I repeated it for her and added 'Garfield'. I like to provide sources for my quotes. She was so impressed she went to tell Daddy. Need to think about what I can come up with next. Catherine
today puked on: - my clothes - Daddy - pillow - my pajamas - my hair - the bowl - floor otherwise feeling better. Catherine
Big news, somewhat delayed
Since last post puked on: - blanket - my hands - bowl (several times, parents must be getting better at aiming) - my favourite set of pajamas - mummy - floor Among all this activity I forgot to mention that I acquired a completely new Baby Cousin. MY Baby Cousin. He is a boy, over 4 kg and got born on Monday. We are going to see Auntie Jessica, Uncle Doug, Hannah, and him in a week and a bit. In the meantime I'm practicing on my baby doll. I'm putting it to sleep, mostly. Even if it involves getting my changing mat off the change table to use for a bed. The nappy on the change mat makes a nice blankie. By the way, what is wrong with tucking the baby up properly in a blankie? Mummy seems to think that the head should remain uncovered. Weird. Won't it get cold? Catherine
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
since my last post
puked on: - two pillows - three bed sheets - myself - bowl -floor also whinged at parents when they were difficult and told them 'I'm sick!' if they wanted me to do something. Watched TV, had a babychino (Dad makes good ones), puked it up and went for an afternoon snooze. Parents very grumpy and lazy today. Catherine
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sick again
Have been feeling rotten. Puked on: - a pillowcase and a bedsheet - my favourite Nemo doona cover and a bedsheet - myself (several times!) - Mummy (once, but very thoroughly) Not to mention various pukes in that dreadful bowl that they put under my nose the moment I start coughing. Life is messy, Catherine
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Jazzie, thanks for your comment to my last post. You rock. What a wonderful way of reminding Parents to pay attention. I just get hot under the collar when they insist on playing with each other instead of me and yell 'NO TALKING!'. It is moderately successful, but not as sophisticated as your version. In other news: - seem to have lost the dressing up battle. Mummy dresses me up before she delivers breakfast, so I can't really play up too much if I want food. Not very nice, is it? - Been organising my videos and DVDs. I get all my favourites off the shelf and put them in a nice row in front of the fireplace. Then I get Mummy and tell her that they are Favourite. - On the topic of favourites: -favourite colour: purple -favourite Wiggle: Jeff -favourite video: see the long row in front of the fireplace Catherine
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
airplanes and helicopters

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Fishy business

Asserting personhood
Despite difficulties, I am committed to maintaining several areas of independent thought. I consider it crucial to assert my personhood through maintaining my preferences in the face of parental defiance. The current areas of dispute are: - washing teeth: I don't believe it is a good idea Well, until recently. Now they've bought me an electric toothbrush, just like Hannah's, so it's been fun and I decided to surrender on this. - messing with my hair Nobody touches my hair. No matter what. Or I'll scream, twist, kick and carry on until they stop. I think Mother got the message. The curl in the middle of my forehead dangles over my nose, and THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT. - getting dressed Not so successful at this front. In fact, Mother has escalated hostilities recently and I've landed in the Naughty Spot a few times. But the battle rages on. And they did give up dressing me up in 'fluffy stuff' (includes anything warm) and skirts or dresses. I'm working on jackets. - changing nappies Not happy about this one either. Usually quite successful in decreasing the frequency of changes (blasted things are uncomfortable when they get huge, but it's worth it), but haven't succeeded getting rid of the procedure. - Mummy singing. Just no! Bye-bye! Stop, woman! She does what she's told to, but sulks a bit. Serves her right. And that's the lot, I think. just keep the videos coming and chocolate, Catherine
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Evening prayer
Dear God, Thank you lovely day. Thank you Dziadzio. Thank you Daddy, thank you Mummy. Thank you lovely day. Thank you bean soup, pasta, and pate, and .. Thank you playcentre. Train, and car, and babychino. Thank you lovely day. Aaa-men
Friday, September 09, 2005
Mummy's art
Mummy has finished her life drawing classes. She would go off every Wednesday evening, and we would wait for her with Daddy. Daddy said that she went to learn how to draw pictures. So one time I got her to show them to me when she came back. I was really impressed when she did. I said Wow! And my dummy fell out onto the floor, just like that. Mummy puffed all up. And I knew exactly what it was. A kangaroo! I started shouting and jumping around just the way kangaroos do. Mummy, on the other hand, seemed to deflate somehow and started to laugh. Wonder why? Catherine
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Why won't they let me sleep in the sun?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005
When Mother wants me to do something I don't want to do, and the ultimatum time is here, she starts by asking me to look at her. Crouching before me, holding my face, that kind of thing. I still manage to look elsewhere most of the time. And then she tells me what she wants. Usually something pretty awful, like getting dressed and stuff. Well, the other day she did it too, but I couldn't figure out what was the naughty thing I was doing. And then she said that I've been very good and she is impressed. She is changing The Rules on me. This 'look-at-me' stuff is supposed to be for when I've been naughty! But it was sort-of nice. Catherine
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
busy time
Gosh, I'm tired. Daddy had his birthday and I had to entertain guests during TWO parties. Been the soul of the party, if I say so myself, but it took it out of me. The things I did: - wrapped bluetac prezzies for daddy - unwrapped all the prezzies brought by guests (tried to be as efficient as possible, because a lot were coming. I found that unwrapping them before saying hello to the guests was the best) - played with the best aunties and uncles - was admired - played with any kids and toys that were provided. - ate CAKE - sang Happy Birthday 3 days running All in all, well done, parents. Happy Birthday, Daddy
Thursday, August 25, 2005
the daily bother
I tried everything. Running away. Screaming. Wriggling. Bargaining. Nothing works. Today I hid the clothes mummy set out for me to wear in the top drawer of the change table. Not easy to reach. But she still found them. No fair. At least sometimes, when I manage to reaaally make the dressing last long I get a bit of chocolate to get dressed. I think it is supposed to be naughty for mummies to do it, but it is the only thing that sweetens things up. Who thinks these things up? Supernanny sucks, Catherine

give and take
Yesterday Mummy figured out a new way to make my hair. She played hairdressers. In front of the mirror and everything. I let her do it this time, but made sure that she made four cups of pretend tea while fixing my ponytail. Properly: boiling the jug, adding milk and honey and bringing it to me on a saucer. It was worth having my hair done to see her scramble.
Friday, August 19, 2005
my social life is exhausting

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Yummy, yummy
I must be having a growth spurt. Mummy says. Anyway, I'm hungry. Been having about three breakfasts, a couple of lunches and another lunch in the evening. Have taken to investigating cupboard. Today found nice apple crumble in freezer. And strongarmed Mummy into making me jelly before she had breakfast. Feed the kid! I'm a caterpilar a lot lately. I wrap myself in blankie and pretend to go to sleep. And when I wake up I'm a butterfly. Or Nemo. Or airplane. Catherine
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Somebody left a comment, somebody left a comment! My first comment from somebody other than Daddy. Here it is:
Mummy said that I can do the PhD if I want. But why no books? I hoped that somebody other than Mummy and Daddy can read me some. So what do I do? Some drawing? CatherineReading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field. Totally confidential, open 24 hours a day. Hope to hear from you soon!
My mother is slack
You know that everybody has to wash hands after coming home, right? And wash teeth before going to sleep? Supernanny says you must. And you are supposed to go to the naughty spot if you don't. Lately I prefer the naughty spot. Even if I still have to do it anyway. However, my mother has gotten lazy. Yesterday, she tried to wash my teeth. As usual, I refused. She half-heartedly muttered something about the naughty spot and said she didn't really want to send me there. Whaaat? That is not right. I demanded a naughty spot. She said I can go there (I am usually carried there, protesting that I don't like it). Services being not available, I had to put myself in the naughty spot. Slack! Catherine
Monday, August 08, 2005
New, funky things
Parents are teaching me useful phrases at last. Today, I surprised Mummy with 'Hi dude!' when she came in the door. Courtesy of Dadda. Mummy, on the other hand, taught me how to say 'I'm not a morning person.' Mummy has behaved herself lately (well, perhaps with the exception of Sunday, but we seem to have some trouble with Sundays). So today, when we were chatting driving home from childcare about Raina and Gwynnie that are my friends, I thought about it a little and told her that 'Mummy is a friend, too.' She seemed pleased. Not that I got any extra chocolate or a chocolate cookie. Mummy has became really stingy with those. Have to eat normal food for a change. Catherine
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I was Nemo all day today. I swam through the garden and made Mummy call me by my right name. I only switched later, when Mummy went to art class and I went home with Daddy. I became Mummy! heh, heh. Catherine
Monday, August 01, 2005
Mild improvement on yesterday